Create Duration and Rates
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When creating a Duration you can enter Duration information in the fields and at the bottom you can see the current Rates on the Duration.
Create requirements: At least one Rate added.
The top section in the Duration modal have four points of interest. The Sequence No. tells you where in the sequence of durations for the contract you are currently on this particular Duration is. Then there is the duration group with Duration, Time Unit, Min Duration, and Max Duration. Duration is not editable since it is calculated based on the sum of durations on the rates that is created in the Rates table at the bottom of the modal. The Time Unit field is for choosing what the durations should be measured in, where the options are Days, Months, or Years. Min and Max Duration is only present for you to be able to better model the contract, and it has no impact on the contract itself. The Variance group consists of the Variance field and Variance Time Unit dropdown. The variance time unit is independent of the duration time unit. Making it possible to have the duration in months and the variance in days for instance.
The option group exists of the Option checkmark and the accompanying Option Status dropdown. The dropdown is hidden when the Option checkbox is unchecked, and visible when checked. The options that are available are shown in the image below. Allowing you to keep track of the status of that duration.
Create requirements: Tc Rate Duration
After creating a Duration or a Rate you can click on the row in their respective lists to open their edit modals.
If you want to add Rates to the Duration you can click the -icon in the upper right of the Rates Section to create a Rate on the Duration. This will open up a new Create Rate modal.