Create Downtime

Create Downtime Dialog

  1. Open the Downtime module in the Operations section.

  2. Click Create Downtime in the top right corner.

  3. Fill in all required fields listed below in the Create Downtime window.

  4. Click Create.

Create Downtime Dialog

We differentiate between a downtime created using a port call in the voyage schedule (Scheduled Port Call option), and a downtime created with a port that is not in the schedule (Other Port option). When creating a downtime with the Other Port option, you can select any port including an At Sea port. When At Sea is selected you have to manually input the timezone offset.

Creating a Downtime with an At Sea port
Creating a Downtime with a regular Port

Note that you do not have to use the Other Port option and then select the At Sea port in the modal for any Downtime that happens at sea. You could also create an At Sea port call in the voyage schedule, and choosing it using the Scheduled Port Call option. The advantage to this is that the system will automatically calculate the right timezone for the position specified in the port call, and take any daylight savings time into consideration as well.

The Port Call option also allows you to create a Deviation Downtime, by checking the Deviation checkbox and choosing an end port call from the voyage schedule. All port calls between the start and end are considered part of the deviation.

A Deviation Downtime automatically sets the start- and end-date based on the port call departure and arrival events. It also calculates additional sailing days, distance and bunker consumptions compared to a direct route.

Restrictions for Deviation Downtimes

  • End port call must come after the start port call

  • There must be at least one port call in between the port calls

  • Neither the start nor the end port call can be a canal passage

Comparison table of different Downtime types

At Sea
Port Only

Manually set start- and end-date

Manually set timezone offset

Automatically set timezone and position

Automatically set start- and end-date

Create using a port call from voyage schedule

Set a canal passage as port call

Calculate additional sailing days, distance and consumption compared to original route

Convert between Downtime and Deviation

Last updated

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