Invoices List

List of all invoices

This list is showing all invoices with status Assembled, Ready For Posting, and Posted. Numerous filter-options are available, such as accounts receivable/payable, companies, voyages et cetera. All of these filters are persistent across all four tabs, except status and accounts which is only displayed on the Invoices tab.

The quick-filters available for the invoices- and pending-lists.

The Status filter allows you to filter on both Voyage and Invoice Status. By clicking on the More-filter, options for Port, Currency, Account, External Document No, Responsible Operator, Responsible Accountant, and Responsible Charterer can be selected.

The quick-filters under 'More'

The search field makes it possible to query for specific invoices based on numerous options. The options include document number, document text, external document number, internal comment, invoice text, business partner name, vessel name, and voyage reference. All of the invoices where one or more of these options include the search string will be shown.

The search field

By clicking the -icon you will see the sorting options available. By default the list is sorted by created date in descending order.

The sorting options for the Invoices List

To the right of the Sorting button there is a button that allows you to Customise Columns.

Customisable columns in invoices list

Due to the extensive amount of data being displayed, some columns are hidden by default to prevent visual clutter. If you wish to see the following columns, you can turn them on in the customise columns menu.

  • External Document No

  • Due Date

  • Aging

Last updated