Voyage Actions

Creating a Voyage:

Inside a chosen scenario, you will be able to create new voyages based on the vessels available. Next to each of the vessel names, there is a icon. In each of these, you can create a new voyage based on that vessel.

You can read more here to learn about the different types of voyages to create: Create New Voyages.

Main Actions:


Actions that are only available for MASTER, and not in a specific scenario, are marked with "(only MASTER)" below.

Drag & Drop Features:

  • In Open Positions Board: to allocate or unallocate a voyage, you can drag and drop the different voyage cards between the Commitments column (the unallocated voyages) and the different vessels displayed.

  • In Scheduler Board: to allocate or unallocate a voyage, you can drag and drop the different voyage bars between the COA and SPOT row (the unallocated voyages) and the different rows of vessels displayed. s

  • In Cargo Management board: to allocate or unallocate a voyage, you can drag and drop the different voyage cards between the different vessels displayed.

From the Voyage Drawer:

In the secondary actions menu (3 dots), it's possible:

  • To edit a Voyage Reference

  • To nominate a voyage, or cancel its nomination (only MASTER)

  • To allocate or unallocate a voyage (only MASTER)

  • To move a voyage (only MASTER)

  • To view the Audit Log

  • To access or upload voyage Attachments

Nominating a voyage will make it appear in the Operations module of the VMS.

Other actions:

In the Open Positions Board:

  • You can filter Commitment voyages based on Voyage, Vessel, Trade and More.

    • More containing Commodity, Charterer, Trade, Commodity Class and Cargo Type.

  • You can hide the Commitments columns with the toggle button.

  • You can filter the allocated voyages based on Voyage, Vessel, Area and More.

    • More containing Commodity, Charterer, Trade, Commodity Class and Cargo Type.

  • You can use the master date filter to filter through larger date periods.

  • You can use the settings button to adjust your view of the voyages.

In the Scheduler Board:

  • You can filter Commitment voyages based on Charterer, Cargo, Trade and Area.

    • More containing Vessel name, Vessel Type, Trade and Business Unit.

  • You can filter Schedule voyages based on Vessel, Voyage and Area.

  • You can select a specific period to display the vessels.

  • You can use the arrows to move horizontally to view the voyage details.

  • You can use the master date filter to filter through larger date periods.

In the Cargo Management Board:

  • You can filter Commitment cargoes based on Charterer, Cargo, Trade and Area.

  • You can hide the Commitments columns with the toggle button.

  • You can filter the allocated voyages based on Voyage, Vessel, Area and More.

    • More containing Commodity, Charterer, Trade, Commodity Class and Cargo Type.

  • You can use the master date filter to filter through larger date periods.

  • You can use the settings button to adjust your view of the voyages.

In the Voyages List:

  • You can filter the voyages based on My Voyages, Vessel, Reference Number, Voyage Status, Ballast, Load Port, Discharge Port and Trade.

  • You can sort the voyages based on Ballast Port, Charterer, Commodity, Reference Number, Trade, Vessel, Voyage Status and Created Date.

  • You can use the master date filter to filter through larger date periods.

In the Cargoes List:

  • You can filter the cargoes based on Cargo Reference, Charterer, Commodity, Vessel, Voyage Reference and Cargo Status.

  • You can sort the voyages based on Created Date, Cargo Reference, Charterer, Commodity and Cargo Status.

  • You can use the master date filter to filter through larger date periods.