Customising List Columns

You have the flexibility to tailor the display of information in any module's list according to your preferences. This is achieved through the Customise Columns feature.

Accessing customise columns

In any module with a list, you can click the Customise Columns button at the top right to open a dialogue listing all the columns. Here you can add, remove, and change the order of all the columns in the list.

Reordering columns

To change the order of columns in the list, click and drag a column within the open dialogue.

Adding and removing columns

Removing columns

Columns can be hidden by clicking the check box next to its name.

Adding and removing columns

To include a column not present in the default list, click the Add Column button. This action opens another dialogue where you can explore sub-objects to locate the desired field. A search input at the top allows for finding items faster.

Example: If you are on the "Voyages" module and want to see vessel information, open the "vessel" object to see all available vessel fields.

Text fields often end in "Desc".

To remove a column, click the Remove button in the columns list.

Restoring the default view

At any point, you can revert to the default view by clicking the Restore button in the Customise Columns dialogue. This action will undo any reordering and remove additional columns, returning the display to its original state.