The Port module enables users to view the list of available ports and associated restricted areas. The port page provides a comprehensive overview of the supported ports linked to their respective restricted areas, allowing for better control over port usage, events, and regulations.
Port List
Port List displayed the following data:
Port Name
At the top-right of the list, you can select different filters for the list. The available filters are:
Port Name
Restricted area
Port Overview: Lists ports with key details such as location, restrictions, and coordinates.
Attributes: Each port has detailed attributes, including country, coordinates, unique identifiers, and categories.
Restricted Areas: Ports may have restricted zones or limitations, such as open-loop restrictions.
Each port in the module is identified by a set of attributes:
Country: The country where the port is located.
Longitude: The longitude of the port.
Latitude: The latitude of the port.
Location Code: A specific code assigned to each port.
RP Code: A code used for routing.
Timezone: The timezone the port operates within (e.g., Europe/Copenhagen).
WIP Code: World Index Port Code, which provides a reference for global databases.
Zoom Level: Indicates the map zoom level for visual clarity of the port (e.g., level 4).
Port Reference: An optional field for adding more detailed references to the port.
Is Canal: Indicates whether the port includes a canal.
Open-Loop Restricted Area: Indicates if open-loop scrubbers are restricted in the port.
Bunker Category AE: bunker category auxiliary engine
Bunker Category ME: bunker category main engine
( all these fields will be enbled only for admin group users )
In addition to port details, the system tracks restricted areas associated with each port. These areas may have specific regulations, such as restrictions on open-loop scrubbers:
Code: A unique code identifying the restricted area.
Area Name: The name of the restricted area.
Open-Loop Restricted: A checkbox indicating whether open-loop scrubbers are restricted in that area.
ITDS Code: A unique identifier for the port by .
This page allows viewing available Ports and associated restricted area with ports