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To open the voyage drawer, go to the Voyages module.
The top of the voyage drawer "Overview" tab has four summary cards for TCE, total days, hire costs, and bunker costs.
Note, If the status of the Voyage is closed, it is not possible to make any updates or changes to that particular Voyage.
Click expandto open detailed charts for the numbers in the summary.
The "result" chart is a waterfall chart for costs and revenue on the voyage. Hover the mouse over the bars to see further details behind the calculation.
The "days" chart has a timeline chart for the port calls on the voyage and a table of the total days on the voyage.
The port calls timeline shows the days at sea and days in port. It also shows the names of the ports above the bars. Hover the mouse over each bar to see more information.
Here you may add organisational data to your voyage.
Note, The Company and Business Unit fields depend on each other. If one of the details is set, you may see linked items that correlate to the former attribute when selecting the second field. Moreover, if you proceed with an element not linked to the former attribute, the first field will be cleared.
* For example, there is Company A, which has a link to Business Unit A. When creating Voyage's organisational data, after selecting Company A and expanding the Business Unit, you will get a list of options. The list will contain all the Business Units, but Business Unit A will be marked as linked to the selected Company. Next, if linked Business Unit A is chosen, you will end up with Company A and Business unit A. Otherwise, if the selected Business Unit is not linked to the preferred Company, the Company field will get cleared, and you may observe a list of Companies related to the selected Business Unit.