
Bunker stocks is a detailed representation of bunkers usage for each voyage. In this list you will find consumption, purchases and sells of bunkers on board for each port call.

General info

The Bunker Stock list can be found in the Voyage drawer under the tab called Bunkers.

Opening Balance

Each list starts with the opening balance of the stock. The opening balances displays the balance of the bunker stocks at the beginning of the voyage and are generated based on the previous fixed voyage. When creating voyage estimates the opening balances are generated based on the last fixed voyage on the vessel.

Opening balances can be updated on voyages with status Estimate or Unallocated to be able to do quick calculations. Once a voyage is fixed, the opening balance will be recalculated based on the previous fixed voyage and will no longer be editable.

Opening balances are also editable on voyages where the voyage start date is fixed.

Edit opening balance

To edit an opening balance on voyages where this is enabled,

  • click on the opening balance row and a modal with the editable values will appear

  • edit the values

  • click Confirm to save your changes

Add opening balance

It is possible to add additional opening balances for each bunker category on voyages that have the status Estimate or Unallocated and for voyages where the start date of the voyage is fixed.

To add an opening balance:

  • in bunker stocks list click on the Add Opening Balance button located above the bunker stock list for a given bunker category

  • enter the values

  • click Confirm to save the opening balance

The new opening balance will be added after the last existing opening balance in the list.

Last updated

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