Maintain Voyages
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The details of a voyage can be edited in the Voyages module.
When you have located the voyage, click it and the details will show in a drawer or panel on the right hand side. Field values can be edited directly.
Vessel and ballast port can only be changed when the voyage status is "estimate" or "unallocated".
Edit estimates permissions
With the preference 'Share voyage' you can indicate if estimate voyages can be edited by anyone or only by the creator and administrators
If 'Share voyage' is set to true, estimate voyages and template voyages is editable by all users
If 'Share voyage' is set to false, estimate voyages and template voyages is editable only by the creator and administrators
Tiles show the key values like TCE, Days Total, Distance Total, Bunker Consumption, EEOI, Days In Port, of the voyage.
Conditional information:
TCE Excluding Offhire (only shown when there is at least one offhire day)
Offhire days (only shown when there is at least one offhire day)
Sections are used to show the most important information about a sub-item of the voyage. Some sections have an Openbutton to open the section's item in a new drawer.
Voyages on a time charter will have a "TC contract" section, while all other voyages will have a "Performance Cargo" section instead.