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The board has two main areas- unallocated voyages (Commitments) on the left, and allocated voyages on the right.
Each element in the board represents either a voyage (unallocated), a voyage with cargo(s) (allocated), a vessel, a vessel open position card or a last port call card.
We call the yellow card on the vessel columns the vessel open position card. It displays the start of the schedule of each ship that is displayed on the board. You can click on the card to open the vessel open position drawer. For any scenario that is not the MASTER, you can edit the port and date of the vessel open position. This changes where your ship starts in the scenario and reschedules the consecutive voyages.
In the Commitments column, the left-most column of the board, we have a list of Unallocated Voyages with a new design:
The Allocated Voyages Card also contains a detailed timeline:
On the left side of the Voyage Card, all the arrival times are listed. The date and time listed for the Ballast Port is the voyage start date. On the right side of the timeline, the port names are listed, including the Ballast Port. The total cargo gross weight on board after the port call is listed under the port name.
Number of Displayed Ports
It is possible to change how many ports are listed at a time by using the settings. The minimum amount of ports that can be displayed is 3, the Ballast Port, the first load port and the last discharge port of a voyage. The number in the blue circle indicates how many ports are hidden.
For each vessel we have a card with information about when it is next available. This can be found after the last voyage in a vessel's schedule.
In the Open Positions Board you can drag and drop voyages to allocate or unallocate them, move them between vessels and change their order on a vessel.
You have a large variety of filters available on the board. Filtering for Commitments (left-most column) and Allocated Voyages (rest of the columns) is separate. Filtering is persisted when navigating between the boards as well as when navigating to different menu items.
Each of the unallocated voyage cards now have a new light grey border, and when you hover, it will be marked with a darker one to clearly indicate which one you are hovering over.
When selecting one of these cards, a blue border and thicker border will display along with opening the Voyage drawer:
We have here as well now added a new light grey border, and when you hover over it, here too it will be marked with a darker one to clearly indicate:
When selecting one of the allocated voyages here too, the same type of blue border will display: along with opening the Voyage drawer as well:
The Active State
For both the unallocated and allocated voyages, the blue active border will stay active on the board until you do another action.
This border also displays and stays active when creating a new voyage, and with the use of drag & drop of the allocated cargoes and/or the unallocated voyages.
Now when you hover over a Vessel Open Position card, it displays a darker grey tone on its border:
When you select the card, the border becomes the same blue active border as previously mentioned, along with opening the Vessel Open Position drawer:
This border will stay active until you do another action on the board.
You can select the number of columns to show in the board either by moving the slider or by typing in a number.
You can select the number of ports to show in the port call timeline either by moving the slider or by typing in a number. The ballast, first loading and last discharging ports are always visible.
The column grouping decides which column a card should go into. The default setting is to group by vessel, but you can also select load area or discharge area. The area groupings depends on the selected area report under account preferences.
The row grouping setting decides how the cards are grouped vertically. By default there is no row grouping. You can also select to group by month or week.
Click any voyage card to open the and access additional information and actions.
You can read more about the actions here: .
These highlights are also visible on the and the as well.
At the top right of the board, click on Settingsto open the settings window.
Voyage Reference
Voyage Status
Port calls
Laydays Start to End Dates
Quantity and Measurement Unit
Voyage Reference
Trade Code
Voyage Status
TCE and Currency
Performance Cargo:
Quantity and Measurement Unit
Laydays Start to End Dates
Days out of Laycan (Early/Late Indicator)
Arrival Window Start to End Dates
Days out of Arrival Window (Early/Late Indicator)
Last port call's ETD