Manage Companies

Creating a new Company

Edit Company details

To add or change details about a company, click on it in the Companies list. This will bring up the Company drawer.

Overview tab

From the overview tab, you can see all the important details of a company such as name, company registration number, VAT number, currencies, business units and more. If the company has a logo, it will also be displayed here.

The Default Signee field in the Main Details section will sign invoices by the company with the users signature, should it have one.

If the company has a company logo uploaded to the system, it will show up in the Main Details section in the Overview tab.

A Company only has 1 logo. Uploading a new logo to a Company with an already existing logo, will replace the old logo.

Bank Accounts tab

The tab contains a list of all the bank accounts belonging to the company. The usual list operations are available, with two minor changes.

Invoicing Preferences tab

The invoice preferences tab has an overview of all togglable options for printing any invoice issues by the company. Any combination of options may be enabled. Below is a description of each option, as well as a comparison between the invoice with the option turned off, and all options turned off.

Deleting a Company

Deleting a Company requires that the Company is both disabled, and has no link to any Voyage.