Main Details


At the top in the main details you will find the KPI-cards.

  • First tile: Cargo quantity is the actual quantity, and booked is the booked quantity.

  • Second tile: Freight is the total freight for the cargo.

  • Third tile: Commission and various costs.

  • Fourth tile: Net Fio is all cargo related revenue aggregated and then deduct all aggregated cargo cost - divided by the quantity of the cargo.

Main Cargo Details

Below the KPI tiles is the Main Cargo Details section on the left side:

All fields that are enabled can be changed from this view. The following fields and options may be disabled under certain circumstances.

Overview of Fields:

Field nameDisabled when

Cargo Quantity / Nominated Quantity

The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or if there are load/discharge amount on CargoPorts that are not the first in the timeline.

Minimum Quantity

Tolerance Option is not set to "MOLOO"

Cargo Measurement

The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or if there are load/discharge amount on CargoPorts that are not the first in the timeline.

Freight Rate

The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or the CargoPorts have different freight rates, or the Cargo has multiple freight rate tiers.


The cargo has one or more freight rate tiers.

Flat Rate

Rule is not set to "World Scale"


Tolerance Option is not set to "MOLCO" or "LCOPT"

Broker Commission

The Cargo has one or more Commissions connected to it

Demurrage Rate

One or more of the Cargo Ports have a demurrage rate

Despatch rate

One or more of the Cargo Ports have a despatch rate

Performance Cargo

The Cargo does not have a Voyage connected to it


Below Main Cargo Details section, there is a section for inputting fields and checkboxes regarding the stowage values of the cargo:

If the optional preference SF_INTAKE_CALCULATION is enabled on your company's system, stowage factor will change from being System Volume Unit / System Weight Unit, to Cubic Feet / System Weight Unit

Cargo Port Timeline

Below the KPI-cards on the right side is the Cargo Port Timeline together with LayCan dates. Laytime used is the estimated laytime allowed. The date fields are validated and if the validation fails the date field that needs to be corrected is highlighted in red and there is a short message under the date field indicating what is wrong.

Editing a Cargo Port will give you access to a few more fields, for instance Handling Cost, Laytime Terms and related fields.

If the Vessel Type of the Vessel used for the Voyage has "Free Despatch" ticked off, any newly created Cargo Ports will have "Free Despatch" ticked off as well.

On the left side of the tab below the Main Cargo Details is the Stowage section

Bunker Adjustments

On the right side, below the Cargo Port Timeline section, you can create/edit and view a list of Bunker Adjustments on the cargo:

For both of these options you will be able to choose the bunker types: DL (LS MGO), DO (MGO), FL (LS FO) or FO. You can also input/edit the other fields, such as: Min Price, Max Price, Adjustment Factor/Agreed Consumption and Price. The Price field is still editable even though the input of the Min-/Max Price fields calculates the average price.

The total adjustment is calculated if the price is outside the minimum/maximum range, i.e:

  • Min range: 500, Max range: 550, Price: 600 => Positive adjustment

  • Min range: 500, Max range: 550, Price 400 => Negative adjustment

This calculation you can see as the price value in the second KPI tile by the last field called Bunker Adjustment:

Overview of Fields:


Adjustment Type

Adjustment types, Mandatory(*), defaulted by "Freight"

Bunker Type

The different fuel types, Mandatory(*)

Min Price

Minimum price range, Mandatory(*)

Max Price

Maximum price range, Mandatory(*)

Adjustment Factor

Adjustment Factor, Mandatory(*), displays if Adjustment Type is set to 'Freight'

Agreed Consumption

Agreed Consumption, Mandatory(*), displays if Adjustment Type is set to 'Consumption'


The price, Mandatory(*)


On the right side, below the Bunker Adjustment section, you can enter external reference, Trade, Cargo Text, Comment, Company, Business Unit and Cargo Operator:

Relets and Transshipments

At the bottom of this tab there is be a list of Relets and Transhipments for the cargo:

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