Create Users

To create a new user, navigate to the User Administration module and click the Create New User button.

In the create user form there are some fields that are mandatory in order to control the user access to the systems and the different modules.

Mandatory details:

  • User Code

  • User Name

  • Password

  • E-mail address

  • Security Role

    • In order for the user perform any actions in the Web modules the user must belong to a Security Role. Security roles grants or revokes access Web modules and API.

    • Security role "Vessel" should be selected for users onboard vessels that should be granted access. Please refer to Create a Ship Master Role in VMS for further information .

  • Group

    • In order to perform actions in the Java VMS a user must belong to a Group.

    • Groups, roles and their permissions are maintained in the "Manage Permissions" module in the Java VMS.

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