Cargo Management Board

The Cargo Management Board displays all allocated voyages and the cargos allocated to them. It also shows the unallocated cargos in Cargo Commitments column. For details on the Vessel Open Positions, voyage cards and board settings, see Open Positions Board.

Board Layout

The Cargo Management Board displays all cargos belonging to the selected scenario. In the left-most column, we display the unallocated cargos (Cargo Commitments column), which are cargos that have not yet been allocated to a voyage. The other columns display voyage cards with the cargoes allocated to them.‌

Unallocated Cargos‌

Each cargo contains the fields:

Cargoes on the Voyage Card‌

The right side of the Cargo Management Board contains all the allocated voyages and their cargos. On the right side of a voyage card, the cargo cards allocated (or dragged) to the voyage are displayed. Each cargo displays the Charterer, Gross Weight and Cargo Status, while illustrating graphically the Load Ports and Discharge Ports. These cargos can be moved by dragging and dropping between the voyages of the same Trade:

The Additional ports icon indicates how many more ports are "hidden" on the voyage. You can use the settings tool to adjust them accordingly.

With this newer design of the cargos on the voyage card, you will be able to graphically see at what ports a cargo has its Load- and Discharge ports. You can easily track all the Port Call rows of the cargo by looking at the vertical span of the specific cargo (the blue area). It is also possible to scroll to the right to see all the cargoes allocated on the same Port Calls. If the ports are "hidden", they will display as shown above.

Laydays and Arrival Window Indicators

The Cargo Cards also has indication lines to help you interpret the Laydays and Arrival Windows for each cargo, graphically.‌

Laydays: indication line at the top of the cargo. Arrival Window: indication line at the bottom of the cargo.‌

Color indicator:

  • if early: blue

  • if late: red

  • if on time: normal / no color


By hovering over a cargo card or on a port call row, a tooltip can be viewed. Fields in the tooltip that contain no data are hidden:

The following fields are available within the cargo card- and port call tooltips:

Highlights For The Cargoes

Cargo Commitments Column

Each of the unallocated cargo cards now have a new light grey border, and when you hover, it will be marked with a darker one to clearly indicate which one you are hovering over.

When selecting one of these cards, a blue border and thicker border will display along with opening the Cargo drawer:

Allocated Cargoes

Along with displaying the cargo tooltips, we now get a darker shadow on the cargo when hovering over it:

When selecting one of the allocated cargoes, a blue border will display here as well, along with opening the Cargo drawer:

The Active State

For both the unallocated and allocated cargoes, the blue active border will stay active on the board until you do another action.

This border also displays and stays active when creating a new cargo, and with the use of drag & drop of the cargoes.

These cargo highlights are also now combined with the new voyage highlights on this board as well.

Click to learn more about the unique Cargo Actions or Voyage Actions.