Voyage Comparison
A functionality to compare voyages' values to each other to get the best overview.
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A functionality to compare voyages' values to each other to get the best overview.
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The comparison button can be found as a primary action in the Voyage drawer:
In this view, you are able to have an overview of the voyages to compare, copy the voyages you want to compare and/or open the Voyage drawer of the voyages:
In this first implementation, you are able to compare the Profit/Loss values, such as Freight, Total Port Cost, Bunker Cost, Various Cost, Contribution, TCE and Result between the voyages. The voyage you are comparing to is the left-most voyage. When you use the copy-function to the right of the table header, you copy that specific voyage. Meaning, the values will initially be the same, until you alter the values yourself. That is why voyage #1 and voyage #3 are identical, only voyage #2 was altered here. If you want to copy voyage #2, a new voyage #4 will have identical values to voyage #2, etc.
By clicking the reference number of the voyage (blue numbers) to the left of the table header, you will open the Voyage drawer of that specific voyage. There, you can view and/or alter the voyage, as the table rows are uneditable as of now.