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1. Log in to the main Voyage Analysis Dashboard window.
Successful login - the main dashboard will open covering the screen.
2. A voyage is noticed not to have received freight.
No information will show regarding freight for the voyage in the main dashboard window.
3. Check the additional ETA fields of the voyage in the main dashboard for further information.
The ETA information of the voyages are displayed across the main dashboard.
4. The responsible Operator is contacted to determine freight status.
The information provided by the Operator should be added to the system.
5. Click applicable remark to view comments from Operator/s.
The information in the selected remark displays to the right of the remarks list. The Senior Operator views the comments from the Operator (if any).
6. Click applicable remark/s edit icon to open the Edit Remark comments field. Note: If there is/are no remark/s - add a remark. Also, a remark can be added by an operator without access to the dashboard by entering a remark against the voyage (using the standard remarks function). It will appear in the dashboard as well and vice versa.
The edit remark pop-up opens.
7. Enter concern type, follow-up time, comments and click Save Remark.
The Edit Remark field will close and the added concern type, status, follow-up time and comments saved.
8. Click Acknowledge Deviations.
A pop-up opens requesting a remark be created prior to acknowledging the deviation.
9. Enter appropriate comment to accept the deviation and click Create Remark.
The pop-up will close, the remark added and the voyage moved from the Deviations tab to the Acknowledged tab. The pop-up containing data for the selected voyage will close and the tab listing voyages with deviations will fill the screen.