Invoice Drawer

The Document drawer for assembled, posted or ready for posting drawers invoices.

Invoice statuses

The label chip next to the Document ID is showing the current status of the invoice:

  • If the status is Assembled, you can change the status to back to Pending (dissolve the invoice), Ready for Posting or Posted

  • If the status is Ready for Posting, you can transition to Posted status only

You cannot change the status of invoices if the voyage has status Closed

Printing the invoice

To print the invoice, click the button in the top of the drawer. If the invoice has status Assembled, you can choose between printing with or without DRAFT-watermark by clicking the little arrow down icon next to the button.

Invoice details

In the top of the drawer, you will see four boxes for Amount, Paid Amount, Open Amount and Aging, defined as the total amount of the line items on the invoice, the total amount of registered payment(s), the remaining balance, and the days until/past the due date of the invoice.

Other useful fields are added on the main details section for you to be able to view or edit them:


Business Partner

BU viewer permission, non-editable


Vessel viewer permission, non-editable

Document Text

Editable when invoice has Assembled status

Document Date

Always non-editable

Created Date

Always non-editable

Issuing Office

Always non-editable

Issuing Company

Always non-editable

Account No.

Always non-editable

External Document No

Always editable

Invoice Text

Editable when invoice has Assembled status

Internal Comment

Always editable. Data entered here does not show up on the invoice printout.

Line Item

In this section, you will see a list of all the line items on the invoice. Clicking on a Document Line, will bring up the Document Line modal, which contains more details about the line, as well as allowing you to change the Document Line Text if, and only if, the invoice has status Assembled.

Record a Payment

Using the Record Payment action in the more options menu , you can manually record payments towards an invoice and specify the amount. This will generate a new linked payment document, that will appear in the list at the bottom of the document drawer.

You can only record a payment if the invoice has status Ready for posting or Posted, and the document is of type Credit In/Out and Invoice In/Out.

Deleting a Payment

If for some reason one or more payments are wrong, you can delete them by checking off the checkboxes to the left, and clicking the delete button that appears.

Payments should never be reversed, only deleted.