Maintain Contracts of Affreightment

When you have located a Contract of Affreightment, click it and the details will show in a drawer on the right hand side.

    • Edit Contract Number

    • Delete

Main Details

In the Main Details tab, you can specify the details of the contract, such as CoA Date, Company & Business Unit, etc., as well as see an overview of all Contract of Affreightment Lines.

Template Voyages

This tab will show you an overview of all template voyages connected to the CoA. Clicking on any of the templates will open up the voyage drawer for the given template.

Create Template Voyage

Scheduled Voyages

This tab will show you an overview of all voyages connected to all the template voyages connected to the CoA. Clicking on the Template Reference-number, or the Voyage reference number (if column is shown), will take you directly to the voyage drawer.

  • Default columns: Laycan From, Laycan To, Load Port, Discharge Port, Voyage Status, Template Reference, Comment

  • Optional Columns: Optional, Option Status, Voyage Start Date, Charterer, Voyage Reference, Vessel, Cargo Reference (performance cargo), Planned BL Date (performance cargo).

Edit a scheduled voyage

Clicking a voyage row will open up a edit modal that allows you to edit the following fields: Laycan From, Laycan To, Optional, Option Status, Comment

However, clicking on the Voyage Reference in the row, will open up the Voyage drawer for that voyage.

Creating new scheduled voyages

In the Import from Excel option, an external file (xlsx or csv) must be uploaded where you have to define which field to populate "Planned BL Date" and "Cargo Reference". The amount of rows in the file/table defines the amount of voyages that will be generated.