Time Correction list

This list displays all the time corrections

When clicking the time correction tab you will be presented with a list of all the time corrections with the following columns

  • Vessel

  • Voyage Reference

  • Year

  • Month

  • Onhire Days

  • Offhire Days

  • Idle Days

  • Total Days

  • Status

For filtering the time corrections, there are multiple available filters in the top right corner.

By clicking the AZ-icon you will see the sorting options available. By default the list is sorted by created date descending.

By clicking the Generate button a modal will appear where you can select date from and date to, company, business unit and vessel to generate a time correction.

Modal for generating time correction

Fill in the required fields, and vessel if desired. For companies and business units it is possible to select multi. Then click confirm to create a time correction with the corresponding parameters.

By clicking the Freeze button a modal will appear where you can select from date, to date and business unit to freeze time corrections.

Modal for freezing Time Corrections

Fill in all the fields. It is possible to select multiple companies and business units. When pressing confirm, the time correction matching the dates, companies and business units will be frozen.

Last updated