You are able to keep in control of all your organisations inserted cargoes using the cargo module in VMS.
To maintain the cargo click the cargo in the list. The selected cargo will be opened in a cargo drawer where you can edit fields, copy cargo, create a pdf from the booking and so forth. Click the cargo drawer page here to see more details.
Learn about the cargo actions in FAS: Cargo Actions.
When you open the cargo drawer this is the top section of the drawer.
By clicking the various tabs you get the relevant information about the cargo. Check out the next pages for information about the different tabs.
On the left side you will see the cargo reference, status of the cargo, and if it is a spot or CoA cargo.
On the right side you have primary actions; PDF and copy. The three dots is a dropdown with secondary actions for the drawer. If you click the three dots you will be presented with the below view as a drop down:
You can allocate/unallocate of the cargo.
You can delete a cargo.
You can arrange Tranship, Preship or Transfer the cargo.
And finally you have the option to view the audit log or append attachements to the cargo.
To efficiently create a cargo, and link them with CoAs, you can create a cargo based on a CoA Template. The CoA Templates are the template cargoes that are maintained in the CoA module.
Open the Cargoes module from the menu on the left.
In the top right corner, click Create .
Select Create New Cargo From CoA Template.
In the modal, select a CoA template to create the new cargo. The fields that are pre-filled are the ones that were filled in when creating the CoA itself, which the new cargo will inherit.
Click Create.
The modal is now draggable, making it easier to see the information "behind" the modal. Hover over the title or the top of the modal to activate it.
Looks and works quite similar to Create Voyage From Template.
Open the Cargoes module from the menu on the left.
In the top right corner, click Create .
Select Create New Cargo.
In the modal, you can fill in the required fields and add any additional information about the new cargo.
Click Create.
Load Port
Discharge Port
The new Create Cargo modal has a new design to increase the productivity while creating a cargo, is more user-friendly and has more useful features altogether. Click on the picture below to get a better view of the details:
Similar to the design above, we now have a new Create Cargo Port modal:
With the new multiple value component in the Create Cargo modal, you are now able to add multiple Load- and Discharge- cargo ports to the new cargo.
The fields are divided into 2 sections, while the 3rd section displays the Timeline component of the cargo ports that are added. In the Create Cargo Port modal, there are 2 sections, in which the 2nd one contains the Timeline.
It is possible to drag and drop the ports in the Timeline component to change the order of the cargo port rows, in both of the modals.
This modal has the same features as the Create Cargo modal, listed below. To create a new cargo port on a cargo, there is now a simple icon at the top of the Cargo Port Timeline section of the . To change the order of ports, you can use the drag and drop features inside the modal. To edit or delete an existing cargo port you can, in the Cargo Port Timeline section, look for the grey icons on each of the cargo port rows, to specifically focus on a cargo port of choice to make the changes. Read more about the features below.
To see the new Create Cargo and Create Cargo Port modals for allocated cargoes, click here: !
In the Sub-cargoes tab you may enter sub-cargoes
By clicking the blue plus icon in the top right corner you can create sub-cargoes.
Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you may create the sub-cargo. The modal for editing a sub-cargo is identical.
In the various Cost/Revenue Tab there will be two tables. One table for various cost and one for various revenue.
To add a Various Cost click the blue plus icon in the top right corner. Once clicked the below modal will appear.
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the Various Cost.
To add a Various Revenue click the blue icon in the top right corner. Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the Various Revenue.
To delete either a Various Cost or a Various Revenue select the item from the table by clicking the checkbox on the far left side.
Once one or more items are selected you can click the trashcan to delete the selected item(s).
In the comments tab there is a list of previous comments made, and at the bottom you can add new comments.
Click a cargo in the Cargoes module list.
When the drawer opens, open the action menuin the top right.
Click the Allocate Cargo button to open a dialog for allocation.
In the dialog, select Vessel and Voyage you want to allocate the cargo to. A preview of the voyage schedule will then show the cargo ports to the left and voyage port calls to the right, as in the screen capture below. The allocation will be done using the existing port calls on the voyage if they match the cargo ports. If no port calls and cargo ports match, additional port calls will be created on the voyage. These new port calls are denoted with "Adds New Port Call".
Click Allocate to allocate the cargo and create any new necessary port calls on the voyage.
At the top of the drawer you can find a drop down with available statuses for a cargo, which will open by clicking the current status.
In the Payment Terms tab you can enter the payment details as per above fields.
The Cargoes module is divided into the Allocated cargoes and the Unallocated cargoes. In each tab, you can filter the cargoes based on several key endpoints to effectively view the required information on your screen. There is a sort icon to the far right, with different options for sorting the list as well. You can read more here: Sorting and Filtering Lists.
Below you can click to read how to create different types of cargoes:
In the Commissions tab you can create new commissions by clicking the blue plus icon in the top right corner.
Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the new Commission, which then will appear in the table in the Commissions tab.
Click a cargo in the Cargoes module list.
When the drawer opens, find the "Commissions" tab and open it.
Click the icon to open a dialog to enter values, where "Broker" is mandatory.
To edit the details after creation, click the line in the table and the same dialog will open.
The capacity plan gives you a monthly overview if your fleet is over or under booked with cargoes. For each months and each trade, we compare the available cargoes to the capacity in your fleet which is serving that trade.
To open the Capacity Plan, go to Chartering > Cargoes and select Capacity Plan in the top bar.
You can navigate between the current month and future months at the top of the dashboard. You also filter to restrict the view to a particular set of trades.
The are three summary cards at the top displaying information on all trades selected in the filter :
Free capacity: Total deadweight - total weight
Deadweight: Total deadweight of vessels loading in the selected month
Weight: Total weight of cargoes with laydays commencement in the selected month.
For free capacity and weight, we distinguish between total values and fixed values. The latter takes only cargoes into account which have status "Clean Fix".
Not Fixed
Firm Offer
On Subject
Clean Fix
Free Capacity
Remaining deadweight tonnage summing all vessels and cargoes
Total: Deadweight - total weight
Fixed: Deadweight - fixed weight
Deadweight of vessels
Total: Sum of deadweight of vessels
Weight of cargoes
Total: Sum of weight of cargoes of any status
Fixed: Sum of weight of cargoes of fixed status
An expandable panel is shown for each trade, with totals for that trade. There are two lists inside the panel, one for cargoes by charterer and one for vessels.
In each trade panel there is a list of total cargo weight and volume grouped by charterer. Only cargoes where laydays commencement lies in the selected month are counted.
All "fixed" charterer cargo totals are listed first, while "not fixed" entries are indicated in grey.
Name of the charterer
Weight (MT)
Total cargo weight in metric tons
Volume (M³)
Total cargo volume in cubic meters
In each trade panel there is a list of vessels. For each voyage in the master fleetplan, the vessel that voyage is allocated to is listed if the following two criteria are met:
The voyage is marked with this trade or its performance cargo belongs to the trade.
The voyage has arrival date in the first load port within the selected month.
Name of vessel
Deadweight of the vessel
Open Date
Arrival date in the first load port
Open Port
First load port
Previous Trade
Trade of the previous voyage on the vessel
The webVMS contains all cargoes created in your system. To access this list you should navigate in the menu to the "Cargoes" link. This will open up your list of cargos.
There are several sorting and filtering options available for you to narrow down what you include in the list view.
A transshipment is the shipment of cargo to an intermediate destination, then by a different vessel to another destination. It is a type of relet created from a cargo booking from a particular discharge port at the end of an original booking.
A preshipment is another type of relet created from a cargo booking. It is the shipment of cargo from a location to that cargo's load port in an existing cargo booking. This includes the transfer to the vessel transporting from the load port.
Transshipments and preshipments are listed at the bottom of the cargo drawer under "Relets and Transshipments".
Open the Cargoes module in the Core section.
Click a cargo in the list to open it in a drawer.
At the top right in the cargo drawer, click Moreand select Transship or Preship.
Fill in the fields listed below.
Click Confirm to relet the cargo.
Owner of the vessel to transship the cargo.
From Port
A discharge port in the cargo booking.
To Port
The final destination.
Owner of the vessel to preship the cargo.
From Port
The originating port.
To Port
A load port in the cargo booking.
Template cargoes are currently handled in Contract of Affreightment Line module.
When deleting a cargo you will be presented different options based on the cargo you are deleting
Cargoes are loaded and discharged in cargo ports and these cargo ports are linked to the port calls you find in the voyages schedule.
One port call can be linked to:
no cargo port - for port calls to Bunkering, Canal Passages etc.
one cargo port - when loading/discharging one cargo
more than one cargo port - when loading/discharging more than one cargo
When deleting a cargo the link between the cargo ports and port calls will define what options you will see in the delete cargo window.
When deleting a cargo which has cargo ports linked to a port calls which are linked to some other cargos cargo ports you will get a simple confirmation message before cargo is deleted as per below
The same confirmation message will always be shown for unallocated cargoes.
The Timeline shows the voyages schedule on the right side and the cargo ports of the cargo you are about to delete on the left side.
At the top in the main details you will find the KPI-cards.
First card: Cargo quantity is the actual quantity, and booked is the booked quantity.
Second card: Freight is the total freight for the cargo, rate is the freight rate for the cargo.
Third card: Net Fio is all cargo related revenue aggregated and then deduct all aggregated cargo cost - divided by the quantity of the cargo.
Fourth card: Laycan Missed by is the number of days the ship's ETA is after the cancelling date. Arrival window missed by is the number of days the ship's ETA is after end of the Arrival Window End date.
Below the KPI-cards is the Main Cargo Details section on the left side
All fields that are enabled can be changed from this view.
Below the KPI-cards on the right side is the Cargo Port Timeline together with LayCan dates. Laytime used is the estimated laytime allowed. The date fields are validated and if the validation fails the date field that needs to be corrected is highlighted in red and there is a short message under the date field indicating what is wrong.
To add a cargo port, edit a cargo port or delete a cargo port hover one of the cargo ports in the timeline and the below view will appear:
On the left side of the tab below the Main Cargo Details is the Stowage section
On the right side, below the Cargo Port Timeline section you can enter external reference, Trade, Cargo Text and a comment:
At the bottom of this tab there will be a list of Relets and Transhipments for the cargo:
A relet can be defined as the act of sub-chartering a cargo to other owners to transport. A relet always covers the entire voyage of a relet cargo.
Relets are listed at the bottom of the cargo drawer under "Relets and Transhipments".
Open the Cargoes module in the Core section.
Click a cargo in the list to open it in a drawer.
At the top right in the drawer, click Moreand select Relet.
Fill in the "Owner" field and click Confirm.
A copy holding most of the same data of the cargo to be relet will be created in the system .
Find the cargo that was relet.
Find the relet listed under "Relets and Transhipments" in the cargo drawer and click to open it.
At the top right in the drawer, click Moreand select Delete.
A list of sub-cargoes can be found under Cargoes menu item as a tab at the top of the page.
The list contains sub-cargoes from allocated and unallocated cargoes.
To edit a a sub-cargo, click an item in the list to see a dialog window open.
A cargo transfer is a type of where a cargo transported on two voyages. The cargo is transported on the first voyage to one port and then further transported on a second voyage to its final port.
You start with a cargo with a load and discharge port which represents the first part of the cargoes journey (on the first voyage). From a system perspective, the action "transfer" creates a new cargo for the second part of the journey (on the second voyage).
The original cargo will receive cargo type "Has Transfer", and the new cargo will receive cargo type "Transfer."
The following fields are synchronised:
cargo quantity and measurement unit
discharge rate + terms of has transfer cargo = load rate + terms of transfer cargo
Transfer cargoes are listed at the bottom of the cargo drawer under "Relets and Transshipments".
Open a cargo drawer.
At the top right in the cargo drawer, click Moreand select Transfer.
Fill in the form fields:
Owner of the vessel to transship the cargo.
Final discharge port of the transfer.
Second vessel to transport the cargo.
Second voyage to transport the cargo.
Click Transfer.
The discharge port of the original cargo will be the load port of the transfer cargo.
When deleting a cargo which has cargo ports linked to port calls which are not linked to any other cargoes cargo port you will get option to also delete the linked port calls. This makes it easier to keep your schedule clean and correct.
When ticking the checkbox the port calls marked in red will also be deleted from the schedule.