Manage Cargo Ports

Cargo Ports Panel List

Cargo ports in the panel list are sorted ascending by the cargo port's port call sequence .

Adding a cargo port:

  1. In the cargo ports section, click the create iconin the right corner.

  2. Selected cargo port(s).

  3. Click Create. The new cargo port will appear as a new panel in the panels list

Cargo ports listed in create dialog are NOT already included in the laytime calculation.

Panel fields

Cargo Port Panel

Each panel contains a summary of the cargo port with the following fields:

  • Reason for call

  • Port

  • Terminal

  • Quantity

  • Commodity

Removing a cargo port:

  1. In the panel of the cargo port to be removed, click the delete icon.

  2. Click Remove in the dialog that appears to confirm removal.

Cargo ports that have been removed can be re-added by clicking the create icon as mentioned above.

By clicking the expand icon on a panel, the following sections can be viewed and managed:

Cargo Port FieldsStatement Of FactsTimesheet

Last updated