You can choose to use either the Actual Port Cost or Preliminary Port Cost of previous port calls to update the port cost of the selected port call.
Clicking any of the "Use" button will update the port call's port cost, which will be accumulated on the voyage's overall port costs.
To make use of a Preliminary Port Cost of a port call on the system, click the button to the right of the Preliminary column. To make use of an Actual Port Cost of a port call on the system , click the button to the right of the Actual column. Clicking this button will also update the currency of the port cost of the selected port call to the currency shown on the row.
An expandable arrow on the rightmost side of the Service Order row is also available, and clicking this will show the Service Order Lines for the selected order.
If one or multiple Service Orders are present on a Port Cost the rightmost corner of the row will show an expandable arrow
By clicking the arrow , all the linked Service Orders will be shown.
You can use the quick filters to find the port cost you are looking for.
The following filters are available in Port Cost History List:
Vessel name
Deadweight (DWT)
Reason for call
On the Schedule section in the voyage drawer, hover over the desired port, a toolbar in the upper right of the cursor will appear.
Click the Port Cost Historybutton to open the Port Cost History drawer.