To view Service Orders on a Port Call, open the drawer for the given Port Call by clicking it in the list. When inside the drawer click the "Service Orders" tab, which will display registered service orders in a table:
Above the table, you can see the checkboxes 'Use Port Cost from Service Orders', and 'Use Handling Cost from Service Orders'. These two are also reflected within:
Port Call drawer -> Overview tab (editable)
Service Order drawer -> Main Details tab (non-editable)
Service Orders tab is not visible for user with Vessel permission.
The total costs of the different service types for each service order line per service along with the total for the service order are displayed in their own columns. The different types being Port Cost, Handling Cost, and Various Cost. Port and Handling cost are displayed by default, and Various cost can be added by clicking the 'Customize Columns' button found beside the blue add button. The costs are displayed in both the order currency for that service order and the voyage currency, where the currency that is in parentheses is the voyage currency.
By clicking a row in the service orders table, a new drawer view will open with additional service order information, like in Maintain Service Order.
Fill in the required fields for your order.
Click Create when you are done.
Also see Create Service Order.
Click Create Service Order in the top right corner of the table.
Click in the Order Lines section to add an order line.