Downtime List and Filters
Open the Downtime module in the Operations section.
There are several sorting and filtering options available for you to narrow down what you include in the list view.
Downtime Drawer Overview tab
This section contains the most important information about the Downtime at a quick glance, such as the vessel, voyage and dates.
For any non-deviation downtime, the Downtime Days and Percentage fields are editable, allowing you to specify and invoice a partial downtime. For deviation downtimes, these fields are automatically calculated as a function of the additional sailing days of the deviation compared to a direct route.
Any downtime created using a port call from the voyage schedule that is not a canal passage, can be converted to a deviation. In order to do so, tick the Deviation checkbox in the Main Details section. A new window will pop up, allowing you to set the end port call of the deviation.
Any deviation can be converted to a downtime by unticking the Deviation checkbox in the Main Details section.
Restrictions for Deviation Downtimes
End port call must come after the start port call
There must be at least one port call in between the port calls
Neither the start nor the end port call can be a canal passage
In this section, there are two checkboxes that indicate whether the downtime cost should be deducted from the charterer and/or owner. The Deduct from hire receivable (charterer) checkbox is only active if the voyage is a Time Charter. These fields will also enable editing in the corresponding bunker consumption tables.
Non-deviation downtimes created by selecting a Port Call from the voyage schedule, will display some information about the port call, such as reason for call, speed order, and bunker ROBs in the Port Details section.
For simpler downtimes created using the At Sea option in the modal, only the timezone offset will be available.
For Deviation downtimes, the Port Details section is split in two; Deviation Start and Deviation End. With the sole exception that you are not allowed to choose a canal passage as a port call, they are identical to the Port Details section.
Below these, a table for Deviation Details is displayed. This table shows you the difference between a direct route between the start and end port call, and the actual voyage schedule. You can also specify a specific speed for the vessel.
Two tables show information about bunker consumption for the charterer and the owner/opex. Each table contains the bunker categories used in the voyage.
For non-deviation downtimes, the quantity and price can be edited when Deduct from hire receivable/payable is checked off in the Results Impact section by clicking on the row.
On deviations, the quantities is automatically calculated, and cannot be changed.
Downtime Panel
When you have located an downtime, click on it and the details will show in a panel (so called "drawer") on the right hand side. The panel will also open after creating a new downtime.
The panel contains an Overview tab for maintaining a downtime and managing bunker consumption, and an Various Cost/Revenue tab for maintaining cost and revenues for an downtime.
Editing Downtime Status
In the header of a selected downtime panel, the current status can be viewed. Clicking on it will activate a dropdown menu and a new status can be selected. A downtime can have one of the following statuses:
Downtime is being edited
Downtime is resolved
Create Downtime Dialog
Open the Downtime module in the Operations section.
Fill in all required fields listed below in the Create Downtime window.
Click Create.
We differentiate between a downtime created using a port call in the voyage schedule (Port Call option), and a simpler version where you can manually specify the timezone offset (At Sea option).
Note that you do not have to use the At Sea option in the modal for any Downtime that happens at sea. You could also create an At Sea port call in the voyage schedule, and choosing it using the Port Call option. The advantage to this is that the system will automatically calculate the right timezone for the position specified in the port call, and take any daylight savings time into consideration as well.
The Port Call option also allows you to create a Deviation Downtime, by checking the Deviation checkbox and choosing an end port call from the voyage schedule. All port calls between the start and end are considered part of the deviation.
A Deviation Downtime automatically sets the start- and end-date based on the port call departure and arrival events. It also calculates additional sailing days, distance and bunker consumptions compared to a direct route.
Restrictions for Deviation Downtimes
End port call must come after the start port call
There must be at least one port call in between the port calls
Neither the start nor the end port call can be a canal passage
Manually set start- and end-date
Manually set timezone offset
Automatically set timezone and position
Automatically set start- and end-date
Create using a port call from voyage schedule
Set a canal passage as port call
Calculate additional sailing days, distance and consumption compared to original route
Convert between Downtime and Deviation
The Various Cost/Revenue tab allows you to create and manage Variouses connected to the Downtime.
Secondary Action Deleting Downtime
Click Delete.
Click Confirm in the dialog to delete the downtime.
Click Create Downtime in the top right corner.
Click the button on any of the lists to create a new Various. Click on any of the existing Variouses in the list to edit or delete it.
Go to the Operations Downtime module and open a downtime in the drawer.
Click the more icon at top right.
The Downtime module can be located from the menu under Operations.