Time Not To Count List
The cargo port panel contains a list of all periods not to be counted.
Time to count can also be viewed in the table and are calculated after each new not to count period is added. They are not editable.
Fill in all required fields listed below in the Add Time Not to Count window.
Click Create.
From Date
Start of not to count period
To Date
End of not to count period
Change the fields in the Edit Time Not to Count window.
Click Save.
This is the default view of the Timesheet table. This view shows a collapsed view of the Timesheet items, in which each item has a span of laytime commenced to laytime completed. The stoppages added (the time not to counts) will be shown in their own separate rows:
This detailed view shows all the Timesheet occurrences of the Laytime Calculation. Here, each item shows the list items day-by-day:
Click the create icon on top of the list.
Click the edit icon on the right side of the not to count row.
By clicking on the Expand icon on the right side, the list will show all Timesheet items occurrences.
By clicking on the the Collapse icon on the right side, the list will go back to compress all the Timesheet items into one-line time period: