A transshipment is the shipment of cargo to an intermediate destination, then by a different vessel to another destination. It is a type of relet created from a cargo booking from a particular discharge port at the end of an original booking.
A preshipment is another type of relet created from a cargo booking. It is the transportation of a cargo from a location to that cargo's load port in an existing cargo booking.
Transshipments and preshipments are listed at the bottom of the cargo drawer under "Relets and Transshipments".
Open the Cargoes module in the Core section.
Click a cargo in the list to open it in a drawer.
Fill in the fields listed below.
Click Confirm to relet the cargo.
Owner of the vessel to transship the cargo.
From Port
A discharge port in the cargo booking.
To Port
The final destination.
The To Port will be automatically added to the cargo field Final Destination.
Owner of the vessel to preship the cargo.
From Port
The originating port.
To Port
A load port in the cargo booking.
The From Port will be automatically added to the cargo field Place of Origin.
At the top right in the cargo drawer, click Moreand select Transship or Preship.