The Audit Log will soon become your best friend. It will show changes done to anything by anyone.
Once in the Audit Log modal you will see the changes of the item that was opened in the drawer sorted by date with latest changes on top.
The ID of the item along with the date of creation and the creator is placed under the header of the modal.
Each change is logged with:
the time of the action
the user code of the user who made the change
the object (i.e item) that was changed
the field that was changed along with the old and the new value of the field
the field was changed by the user or not
If the Object field is empty the change was made to the main item, i.e the item that was opened in the drawer.
It is possible to narrow down the audit log by Object and by Fields.
The Object list will contain the main item in addition to all sub-items of the main item. You can filter the audit log by selecting one or multiple items in the list.
The Field list will contain all fields. Also here you can select one or multiple items to filter by.
When a filter is selected the filter field will show the name of the selected filter, i.e Cargo in the example above.
If multiple items are selected in any of the filters the filter field will show the name of the first selected item in addition to +number of other selected items ( Freight Rate +2 in the example above).
When Changed by User is unselected, the audit log will also show the changes that were calculated by the system.
It is also possible to see the field audit log by right clicking on the desired field.
This will open up the same audit log dialog box but defaulted to the selected field.
The Audit Log is located under secondary actions in the top right corner in every drawer in the system.
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