Service orders are calculated as port cost once "Use Cost from Service Orders" of its corresponding port call is ticked.
In this article, you will learn how to enter Service Orders into the system.
Service orders can be entered in two different ways:
Service Orders module under Operations in the menu
Directly on a port call
To enter Service order in the Operations menu.This is a good place to start if you need to enter several port costs for multiple port calls.
Open the Service Orders module under Operations in the menu.
Fill in the required fields for your order.
Click Create when you are done adding order lines.
To enter Service Orders directly on a Port Call
Open the Port Call drawer
Go to Service Orders tab
Follow instructions 2 to 5 from the list above.
Service Orders created in this way will be created with status Draft making it possible for you to amend them as many times as needed without impacting any other calculations.
Click Create Service Orderin the top right corner.
Clickin the Order Lines section to add at least one order line.
In the Service Order drawer under 'Handling Cost Allocation' tab, you now have these features available:
Select which cargoes should be included in the proration of a handling cost service order line
View an aggregated handling cost per commodity
View the total port call handling cost
Prorate the handling cost of a port call among the selected cargoes for each service order line
Decide if transshipment cargoes should be included in the handling cost proration
The Commodity Oveview sections are split into non-transshipment and transshipment. If no transshipment cargoes are allocated to any handling cost lines the bottom section will be removed.
To edit which cargoes should be included in the proration, click the 'Edit Allocation' button on a line and a modal will open (click to open in full):
If there are no transshipment cargoes linked to the port call the Include Transshipment checkbox will be disabled. Hovering over the field will display a tooltip explaining why it is disabled.
Transshipment cargoes will not be visible in the Edit Handling Cost modal if the Include Transshipments checkbox is unchecked. Only if the checkbox is checked will any transshipment cargoes be visible for selection.
Unchecking the checkbox will display a warning modal because any allocated transshipment cargo will be unallocated if confirm is pressed and the handling costs will be recalculated.
Can read more about them here; Use Handling Cost from Service Orders.
You can change order date, supplier and cost details under "Order Details".
The total cost of the order lines are calculated for estimate (advanced).
Select Edit order reference.
Make changes to the reference in the window.
Click Save.
You can change the status of the order at all times. There are three statuses, "Estimate", "Revised", and "Final".
Changing the status will also change the value from which the amount is derived. For "Estimated" status, the amount comes from the "Estimated" column. For "Revised" status, it comes from the "Revised" column, and so on.
Click the status label at the top of the drawer next to the order reference.
Select desired status.
Tip: You cannot set the revised and final cost of an order line until after it has been created. Open an already created order line from the list to set these values.
Click Delete.
Click Confirm to delete the order.
Changes to a service order are done from the drawer that opens after a service order.
To maintain an already existing service order, open the OperationsService Orders module and click the order you want to change. It will now open in the drawer.
Click the more iconat top right.
Click in the "Order Lines" section to create a new order line.
Go to the OperationsService Orders module and open a service order in the drawer.
Click the more iconat top right.