There are two ways of creating bunker orders in VMS
When a bunker order requirement is stemmed you should update the system with the agreed supplier, prices and quantities and status.
Register the information and click the "Requirement" button, and a menu of statuses shows. Click the "Stem" button and the status is transitioned to "Stemmed" if all the requirements are fulfilled.
The required details for this status are:
A bunker order line with "Bunker type", "Min Quantity" and "Unit Price"
The details of a bunker order can be edited and maintained in the Bunker Order module.
The details will show in a drawer on the right hand side. Details can be maintained directly in the fields.
If you want to add a product for a given order click the "+" button above the list of products. Then a dialog will show and allow you to enter the details.
If you want to edit the details of the bunker order line (bunker type, quantity or unit price) click the bunker order line and a dialog will show allowing you to change.
Bunker Type: If estimating bunker intake, the bunker type set will default to the grade this vessel is set up with in your vessel administration screen. If you need to change this you can do that in the below screen or when you actually place/create the order.
When a bunkering is canceled, the bunker order needs to be either canceled or deleted.
Click a bunker order in the Bunker Orders module list.
When the drawer opens, open the statuses menu by clicking the Status button.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the bunker order.
Canceling a bunker order will update and recalculate the ROB figures and bunker prices on the voyage. The voyage result will be impacted.
When delivery is taken by the vessel the "Bunkered Quantity" and "Delivery Date" must be registered in the application. Fill in the required fields and click "Register Delivery" on the action menu.
Ship Role: It is possible for the the a Ship user with the vessel security role to register this information his side and upload the bunker delivery note as an attachment in the system.
Required details for "Registering Delivery" on a bunker order are:
At least one bunker order line with "Bunker Type", "Bunkered Quantity" and "Unit Price"
Bunkered Date
Deleting a bunker order entirely removes the order and all its history. This option is suitable when a bunker order is cancelled, or the entire port call or voyage is cancelled.
Click the delete button from the action menu. If the bunker order is not cancelled prior to this, then the delete button will not be active in the menu.
Any assembled bunker invoices in Accounts Payable have to be "Un-Assembled".
Any posted bunker invoices in Accounts Payable have to be "Reversed"
Only "Cancelled" bunker orders can be deleted.
A bunker order can efficiently be added directly from the port call drawer. Upon opening the port call, navigate to the Bunker Orders tab, here a create button is available.
A dialog will show a bunker order with the vessel, port call and currency details filled out. The currency is defaulted to the voyage currency.
To navigate towards the Bunker Orders module, expand the "Operations" menu and "Bunker Orders" will be located there.
A create button is available on the top right corner.
Once a vessel is selected, the Port Call field will be enabled. You will be able to select port calls from the vessel's frozen, open voyages. Additionally, you can search by port names or voyage reference number.
The Bunker Order module allows you to register and follow a bunker order's workflow from requirement to a paid invoice.
The Bunker Orders module is located under "Operations" menu. A list of your bunker orders are also located on the Port Call drawer, Bunker Orders tab.