Cargo Port Related Fields
When expanding a cargo port panel, a section for displaying and editing certain fields of the cargo port can be found. The number of fields visible depends on the type of port call, aggregation and more.
Cargo Quantity
Shows the total cargo quantity on the cargo port
Laydays Commence
Laycan From date of Cargo (Load Port only)
Laydays Cancelling
Laycan To date of Cargo (Load Port only)
Demurrage Rate
The rate for demurrage
Despatch Rate
The rate for despatch
Free Despatch
Checkbox for Free Despatch
Loading/Discharging Rate
Loading/discharging rate on a port, depending on type of port
The rule for the selected port
Laytime Terms
Laytime terms for the selected port
Share of Laytime Used
Percentage of laytime used
Checkbox for Prorate
Time Used
The amount of laytime used on the selected port
Time Allowed
The amount of laytime allowed for the selected port
The amount of demurrage for the selected port (only if Demurrage)
The amount of despatch for the selected port (only in non-reversible)
Time Lost
The amount of time lost in the selected port (only if Demurrage)
Deducted Time
Total amount of "Time not to count" on port (only in non-reversible)