When you have located a Template Cargo, click it and the details will show in a drawer on the right hand side. Details can be maintained directly in the fields.
To delete a template cargo, you can either select it in the Template Cargo list and then click the Delete-button, or open the template cargo drawer, open the secondary actions menu, and clicking delete from there.
To create a new Template Cargo, navigate to the drawer and click the create button.
When creating new template cargo there are some details that are mandatory.
Mandatory details:
Load Port
Discharge Port
Depending on your access permissions the table of Template Cargoes might not be visible.
The list of Template Cargoes can be located from the .
From the table in Contract of Affreightment Line drawer
Having the drawer for Contracts of Affreightment Line open you can locate the table listing the Template Cargoes. Clicking a line in the table will open a drawer with additional information.