List of all document lines that are receivable
When you enter the page you will be prompted to select voyages you would like to see in the list. Voyages can be altered later also. When clicking the field a list of selectable voyages will be shown in a list.
In the top left corner you will find the voyage selector. Here you can select or deselect voyages as you work with the list. The Reset Data button will fetch fresh data from the server for the document lines in the list.
By clicking the pen icon on a document line you will get a dialog where you can edit the document line.
Contains invoices list, pending receivable list, pending payable list and pending hire payable list
Select the tab corresponding to the view you would like to see in the invoices module.
Invoices is showing a list of invoices of various statuses
Pending receivable is showing a list of pending document lines for receivable items
Pending payable is showing a list of pending document lines for payable items, except hire payable
Pending hire payable is showing a list of pending document lines for hire payable items
List of all invoices
This list is showing all invoices with status Assembled, ready for posting, and posted.
All-filter includes payable and receivable. This can be changed to show only receivable or only payable.
By clicking the More-filter you can set filter for Port, Account and Currency.
By clicking the AZ-icon you will see the sorting options available. By default the list is sorted by created date descending.
List of all document lines that are payable except hire payable
When you enter the page you will be prompted to select voyages you would like to see in the list. Voyages can be altered later also. When clicking the field a list of selectable voyages will be shown in a list.
In the top left corner you will find the voyage selector. Here you can select or deselect voyages as you work with the list. The Reset Data button will fetch fresh data from the server for the document lines in the list.
The label chip next to the Document ID is showing the current status of the invoice. If the status is Assembled, you can change the status to:
Back to Pending (dissolve the invoice), Ready for Posting or Posted. When the status is Ready for Posting or Posted you can not change the status. If the status is set to Pending the invoice will be dissolved, and the corresponding document lines can be found in the corresponding Pending list.
If you click on a document line, you will se more information for the specific document line.
List of all document lines that are Hire Payable
When landing on the page if there is no contract selected you will be prompted with the above dialog where you can select the contract. On contract can be viewed, not multiple contracts at the same time.
In the top left corner you will find the Time Charter Contract selector and the reset data button. You can change the selected TC-contract. If you click the reset data button you will get fresh data from the server for the selected TC.
Assemble invoice lines into an invoice
Select the document lines you want and click assemble
An assemble modal will open and some of the fields will be pre-filled. Make sure all mandatory fields (marked with *) are entered and click Confirm. The assembled invoice will open in a drawer.