The "Schedule" section in the Voyage drawer shows a timeline of port calls on a voyage. You can create, rearrange, delete and edit port calls directly from this screen.
When hovering the mouse over a port call in the schedule, a toolbar in the upper right will appear.
To insert a port call before or after the port call you are editing, click the Create Newbutton and select Before or After. A window to create a new port call then opens.
To edit a port call, click the Editbutton.
To delete a port call, click the Deletebutton.
To change the order of port calls, click and drag the Movebutton to move the port call into place.
In the voyage drawer at the schedule section you will find a checkbox for locking the update of voyage start date and ballast port. This checkbox is not visible while the voyage has status Estimate or Unallocated.
In the voyage drawer at the vessel section you will find a checkbox for setting "Last Voyage for Current CP". This checkbox is disabled when there is no TC In Contract registered.
The details of a voyage can be edited in the CoreVoyages module.
When you have located the voyage, click it and the details will show in a drawer or panel on the right hand side. Field values can be edited directly.
Vessel and ballast port can only be changed when the voyage status is "estimate" or "unallocated".
Sections are used to show the most important information about a sub-item of the voyage. Some sections have an Openbutton to open the section's item in a new drawer.
Voyages on a time charter will have a "TC contract" section, while all other voyages will have a "Performance Cargo" section instead.
Speed Laden: Showing the speed for laden port calls if all port calls have the same speed. If port calls has different speeds this field will be disabled and the text will be: Multiple. Changing this value will update speed for all laden port calls.
Speed Ballast: Showing the speed for ballast port calls if all port calls have the same speed. If port calls has different speeds this field will be disabled and the text will be: Multiple. Changing this value will update speed for all ballast port calls.
Days Extra In Port: Showing the average days extra in port for load and discharge port. Only enabled when days extra in port is the same for all port calls within a reason for call. When updating all port calls within a reason for call will be updated. Days extra in port can also be updated when editing a port call.
For estimates it is possible to set the TCE or Voyage Result and let the system calculate the freight rate. To make the system calculate the TCE and Voyage Result again, uncheck Lock.
Information about the tab "Organisational data"
In the Organisational data tab in the voyage drawer you can edit information about: Company, Business Unit, Pool, Responsible Charterer, Responsible Operator and Responsible Accountant.
To edit any field in the tab, click into the field and start typing. Then select the desired option. Field will automatically save when you click outside or use tab key to exit the field.
Company and Business Unit are mandatory fields if the voyage status is NOT Estimate or Unallocated.
Only applicable when the voyage does not have TCin
In order to get a complete voyage result estimation, it is possible to edit the daily hire and address commission for vessels/voyages that does not have TC-in present in the system.
From the voyage drawer actions it is possible to change voyage reference or voyage number, depending on the voyage status.
When voyage status is Estimate, Unallocated or Allocated, it is possible to change Voyage Reference
When voyage status is Nominated, Operational, Operationally Closed, Invoiced or Closed, it is possible to change the voyage number.
In the Speed and Consumption section in the voyage drawer you can update the various fields for consumption for a voyage. This section can be found in the Overview-tab in the voyage drawer.
In order to expand the section to see and edit the fields, click expandon the far right of the top right summary cards.
Once the expand icon is clicked the fields will be displayed like this example:
Note that if the field for Speed Laden or Speed Ballast is changed in the vessel section it will also affect the corresponding field in this section as well, and vice versa.
Only applicable for voyage statuses "Estimate", "Scheduled Unallocated" and "Scheduled Allocated".
Bunker prices can be changed from the Overview/Bunker tabs.
Click a row to edit bunker price
Edit the price for each bunker type in the modal