To maintain the cargo click the cargo in the list. The selected cargo will be opened in a cargo drawer where you can edit fields, copy cargo, create a pdf from the booking and so forth. Click the cargo drawer page here to see more details.
Learn about the cargo actions in FAS: Cargo Actions.
When you open the cargo drawer this is the top section of the drawer.
By clicking the various tabs you get the relevant information about the cargo. Check out the next pages for information about the different tabs.
On the left side you will see the cargo reference, status of the cargo, and if it is a spot or CoA cargo.
On the right side you have primary actions; PDF and copy. The three dots is a dropdown with secondary actions for the drawer. If you click the three dots you will be presented with the below view as a drop down:
And finally you have the option to view the audit log or append attachements to the cargo.
You can of the cargo.
You can a cargo.
You can arrange or the cargo.
You can and .
At the top of the drawer you can find a drop down with available statuses for a cargo, which will open by clicking the current status.
The cargo status is a helper for you to understand where in the process you are. All statuses apart from Clean Fix are the same in the sense that they do not change the functionality of the system. When you set the cargo status to Clean Fix, the cargo quantity field in the cargo drawer now changes to be the B/L quantity. So when changing the cargo quantity on a "Clean Fix" cargo, it only changes the B/L quantity, not the booked quantity.
At the top in the main details you will find the KPI-cards.
First tile: Cargo quantity is the actual quantity, and booked is the booked quantity.
Second tile: Freight is the total freight for the cargo.
Third tile: Commission and various costs.
Fourth tile: Net Fio is all cargo related revenue aggregated and then deduct all aggregated cargo cost - divided by the quantity of the cargo.
Below the KPI tiles is the Main Cargo Details section on the left side:
All fields that are enabled can be changed from this view. The following fields and options may be disabled under certain circumstances.
Below Main Cargo Details section, there is a section for inputting fields and checkboxes regarding the stowage values of the cargo:
Below the KPI-cards on the right side is the Cargo Port Timeline together with LayCan dates. Laytime used is the estimated laytime allowed. The date fields are validated and if the validation fails the date field that needs to be corrected is highlighted in red and there is a short message under the date field indicating what is wrong.
On the left side of the tab below the Main Cargo Details is the Stowage section
On the right side, below the Cargo Port Timeline section, you can create/edit and view a list of Bunker Adjustments on the cargo:
For both of these options you will be able to choose the bunker types: DL (LS MGO), DO (MGO), FL (LS FO) or FO. You can also input/edit the other fields, such as: Min Price, Max Price, Adjustment Factor/Agreed Consumption and Price. The Price field is still editable even though the input of the Min-/Max Price fields calculates the average price.
The total adjustment is calculated if the price is outside the minimum/maximum range, i.e:
Min range: 500, Max range: 550, Price: 600 => Positive adjustment
Min range: 500, Max range: 550, Price 400 => Negative adjustment
This calculation you can see as the price value in the second KPI tile by the last field called Bunker Adjustment:
On the right side, below the Bunker Adjustment section, you can enter external reference, Trade, Cargo Text and a comment:
At the bottom of this tab there is be a list of Relets and Transhipments for the cargo:
In the Sub-cargoes tab you may enter sub-cargoes
By clicking the blue plus icon in the top right corner you can create sub-cargoes.
Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you may create the sub-cargo. The modal for editing a sub-cargo is identical.
In the Commissions tab you can create new commissions by clicking the blue plus icon in the top right corner.
Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the new Commission, which then will appear in the table in the Commissions tab.
In the comments tab there is a list of previous comments made, and at the bottom you can add new comments.
In the Payment Terms tab you can enter the payment details as per above fields.
In the various Cost/Revenue Tab there will be two tables. One table for various cost and one for various revenue.
To add a Various Cost click the blue plus icon in the top right corner. Once clicked the below modal will appear.
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the Various Cost.
To add a Various Revenue click the blue icon in the top right corner. Once clicked the below modal will appear:
Once the required fields are filled in the create button will be activated and you can create the Various Revenue.
To delete either a Various Cost or a Various Revenue select the item from the table by clicking the checkbox on the far left side.
Once one or more items are selected you can click the trashcan to delete the selected item(s).
Field name | Disabled when |
To add a cargo port, click on the -icon in the top right corner. To edit a cargo port or delete a cargo port hover one of the cargo ports in the timeline and the below view will appear:
You can create a new Bunker Adjustment by clicking the -icon at the top right of the section, which will bring you to the Create-modal. Or you can click on one of the rows to edit the selected Bunker Adjustment, which will open the Edit-modal. If you choose the Adjustment Type to be set to "Freight", you will only see the Adjustment Factor field below. But if you have chosen "Consumption", you will only see the Agreed Consumption field below (the invisible field is not editable and does not affect the calculation). The Freight type is chosen by default.
Fields | Description |
Cargo Quantity / Actual Quantity
The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or if there are load/discharge amount on CargoPorts that are not the first in the timeline.
Minimum Quantity
Tolerance Option is not set to "MOLOO"
Cargo Measurement
The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or if there are load/discharge amount on CargoPorts that are not the first in the timeline.
Freight Rate
The Cargo has one or more SubCargos, or the CargoPorts have different freight rates, or the Cargo has multiple freight rate tiers.
Flat Rate
Rule is not set to "World Scale"
Tolerance Option is not set to "MOLCO" or "LCOPT"
Broker Commission
The Cargo has one or more Commissions connected to it
Demurrage Rate
One or more of the Cargo Ports have a demurrage rate
Despatch rate
One or more of the Cargo Ports have a despatch rate
Performance Cargo
The Cargo does not have a Voyage connected to it
Adjustment Type
Adjustment types, Mandatory(*), defaulted by "Freight"
Bunker Type
The different fuel types, Mandatory(*)
Min Price
Minimum price range, Mandatory(*)
Max Price
Maximum price range, Mandatory(*)
Adjustment Factor
Adjustment Factor, Mandatory(*), displays if Adjustment Type is set to 'Freight'
Agreed Consumption
Agreed Consumption, Mandatory(*), displays if Adjustment Type is set to 'Consumption'
The price, Mandatory(*)
In the Freight Rate Tiers tab, you can create, edit and delete different freight rate tiers for the cargo. The dropdown allows you to choose between a tiered structure, and volume. Below is a list that shows the different tiers. If a cargo has one or more tiers in this section, the "Freight Rate" field in the "Main Cargo Details" section in the "Main Details" tab will be uneditable.
To add another tier, click the icon in the top right of the list. This will bring up the modal to create a new tier. Enter the quantity from which this tier will be valid.
To delete one or more tiers, click on the checkbox mark on the left side of the list. Doing so will bring up the button to delete the tiers. Clicking on the button will bring up a confirmation modal.