Template Voyage Panel
When you have located a template voyage, click on it and the details will show in a panel (so called "drawer") on the right hand side. The panel will also open after creating a new template voyage.
Template Voyages have the template label next to the status selector to indicate that it is a template voyage.
In the header of a selected template voyage panel, the current status can be viewed. Clicking on it will activate a dropdown menu and a new status can be selected. A template voyage can either have the status Estimate or Closed. All other statuses are disabled for template voyages.
Tabs in the template voyages panel include the same tabs as other voyages, as well as the budgeted voyages tab.
Follow the link below for further information on the voyages panel:
Budgeted voyages created from the selected template voyage are listed in the Budgeted Voyages tab. To create a new budgeted voyage click Addin the top right corner of the list. This creates a copy of the selected template voyage using the same field values.