Scenario Drawer
To change a scenario, navigate to the scenarios menu item and open the scenario drawer by clicking on the respective scenario name.
You cannot use delete or edit name for the MASTER scenario, since this is the on-going plan connected to all other VMS functionalities.
You have the following actions in the drawer:
view in open positions board
edit scenario name
view audit log
access and upload attachments
Deleting a scenario removes it from the database. There is no recycle bin or the like to retrieve a deleted scenario.
Vessels in the selected scenario can be managed from the list in the vessels tab. Clicking on a vessel will lead to the vessels' drawer.
Open the Scenario module in the Planning section.
Select a scenario and navigate to the Vessels tab.
Click Addin the top right corner of the vessels list.
Select/Deselect vessels in the Select Vessels dialog.
Click Confirm.
There are four possibilities to create a scenario:
create from scratch
create from master fleetplan
copy existing scenario
create a budget scenario
In the scenario list you have a button on the top left to create a new scenario. You can create a scenario from scratch, from the master fleetplan or create a budget scenario. You can also copy an existing scenario.
When creating a scenario from scratch you enter a scenario name and click create.
When using the master fleetplan to create a scenario, all voyages in the master fleetplan and their allocation are copied. Thus, unallocated voyages will be unallocated in the scenario and allocated voyages will be allocated to the same vessel. The first position of each vessel in the scenario schedule is defined by the start of the first voyage on the vessel.
The new scenario is called Master Fleetplan Scenario with a date and time stamp of the creation.
To copy a scenario open its drawer in the scenario list. Select the action copy in the drawer to create a copy of the scenario.